Saturday, December 26, 2009

Snow is actually kind of cold

I took this picture immediately before eating it

It has been snowing in tiny coastal St Andrews. Not just some lame squidgy amount of snow. As in proper snowman-making, waking up to a brand new shiny white world every morning, sledging, snowball fighting kind of weather. This is the life. It has also inspired the following short play:

A Play in One Part, starring Holly and Rasim

Me: "But it's all warm and fluffy! And yummy. SNOWW!"
Rasim: "Okay, disregarding the fact that you just admitted that you eat snow, let me set you straight on the part about snow being warm and fluffy. Holly, snow occurs when clouds FREEZE. Snow is FROZEN WATER. That means it is COLD. As in, FREEZING COLD."
Me: "But - but - but it's so awesome! And it was totally in Calvin and Hobbes cartoons all the time, and they had LOADS of fun in it. Ergo, snow wins. And is warm."
Rasim: "Is Calvin and Hobbes your only childhood exposure to snow?"
Me: "Ummm..."
Rasim: "QED I am more likely to be right than you. Snow is cold."
Me: "Like ice cream!"
Rasim: "You are a loser."

I stand by my opinion. Snow is awesome, and NOT. COLD. During Revision Week I was thinking of trying my hand at making that kind of candy Laura Ingalls Wilder made in Little House in the Big Woods (I loved those books probably only a little less than most mothers love their children): they take warm maple syrup outside and poor it directly on the snow, and it solidifies right quick. Lo and behold, you have a piece of frozen maple syrup for the eating. Sounds awesome, and pretty darned easy what with all this potential syrup-freezing snow right outside my window.

I've got to admit, though, that while snow can be pretty fluffy and not absolutely ice-your-face-off freezing to begin with, it does in fact begin to get rather chilly after a while. Walking around in it for upwards of two hours can have negative effects on your toes being alive, as I discovered while out photographing St Andrews in its festive snowy blanket. Which is clearly a sign from Aeolus the weather god that you've got to stop indoors and have a hot chocolate. Sorted.

Some snowy pictures to chill you in your seats:

Looks like a swell day for a swim!

My house is behind that fence.  Another 5 feet and I totally would've been snowed in!

Fancy a picnic? I have snow pie, snow cake, snow casserole, snow potatoes.... what? you don't eat snow? This picnic is OVER.

St Andrews Castle from the pier

Snowy dunes

The badlands, looking across the Kinnessburn toward town

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Poeticality is underrated (inexplicably?)

Thus I re-enter a world long lost;
upon blogging seas long ago I was tossed.
I blogged many years, in a desperate quest
to avoid answering emails, at procrastination's behest.
After all, how does one answer emails unnumbered?
- a question by which I was long encumbered.
I tried answering them all; it took absolute lengths
for punctuality is not one of my strengths.

Then one great day I discovered
a fab idea which hovered
and shaped itself into a coherent plan:
and with a blog post this plan began.
I would write one response
(without being too much of a ponce)
to all of my emails, long unanswered and alone
and I'd begin a great trend in which I never postponed!

Of course all great things aren't entirely awesome
(for instance the creepy hairless tails on possums).
Here's the question I'll go and put to you now:
am I being a lazy arse, or exercising time management prow....ess?
With one single blog post I can answer at once
five dozen emails I'd otherwise leave for a month!

(You'll notice perhaps, my rhyming skills waning -
Take that to be good news; my prose skills are gaining!)

One thing I've noticed (and I hope you'll not worry!),
is that often a blog post demands a great flurry.
"World!" it cries, and flips its proud head:
"Listen to me, all the deep things I've said!"
When in fact, you'll agree, it's all really quite dry;
and parades itself round on a horse rather too high.
Now I hope to dear goodness this will NOT be the case,
and if it is then give me a (metaphorical) slap in the face!

My sole honest intention, I'll say it again:
is quite plainly to answer those two-hundred-and-ten
damn emails I've got in a heap in my inbox
haunting my dreams and my sleep and my... socks.
I feel really quite bad every time someone says,
"Gee, Holly, it's been - well, absolute ages"
and I'm forced to recall that it's been five months and a day
since last I remembered to send word their way.
So here's the solution!
It's a blog revolution.
I'll keep you all posted on shenanigans here,
and now keeping in touch won't wait a year!
So leave me a post, let me know what you think.
And if you've got one, send on your blog link!

Apologies, kids, it won't usually rhyme,
it's just that it's late and I've lost track of time,
and my essay's due in at a quarter past 10
on Friday and I'd rather face a lion in its den
and so bravely I'm avoiding any practical use
of my time and am instead committing serious abuse
of the internet and its marvelous extras...
with which nothing rhymes but 'ambidextrous.'

More posts to follow, and maybe even in prose!
Enjoy your night, folks; now I'm off to doze.